
The Biden administration will give a special free pass to 73, 500 more illegal immigrants.

Thousands of illegal immigrants now get a special free pass from the Biden administration to enter the nation if they have family members currently living there. The method allows immigrants to jump the queue to enter the US and join their families if they meet the requirements before others who have been in line for years, according to a new examination of the program.

The Biden administration will give a special free pass to 73,500 more illegal immigrants.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, the “parole program” also serves to conceal the actual number of immigrants from Latin America who are flooding the country. “The Biden administration is using the development of this program as just another tactic to hide the data underlying the challenge of prevalent illegal immigration in the United States.”

According to the Department of Homeland Security, a dubious policy that allowed 73,500 immigrants from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to enter the US under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama is being reinstated. The Biden administration is trying to adopt the scheme.

The Biden administration stated that the program is necessary for humanitarian grounds, among others. However, CIS claimed that most other foreigners looking to enter the United States legitimately would not be eligible for the program’s stated justifications.

The Biden administration program has a three-year stay limit, but immigrants are allowed to request extensions, which presumably gives them a free pass and associated work visa for life, according to the article.

Immigration reformers took issue with the remarks of the Biden administration on Wednesday, claiming that the Biden administration may not have been aware of the Justice Department’s actions as it “carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy.” ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero is one such advocate.

According to the analysis, the Biden administration will be able to further reduce the number of aliens apprehended between ports of entry DHS reports each month while still allowing significant numbers of not-admissible aliens to enter, remain, and work in the United States without a visa by paroling aliens into the country from these countries, which in recent years have made up large percentages of border encounters.

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