GOP Lawmakers

GOP Lawmakers Call For New Bill To Provide Healthcare Benefits To Illegal Immigrants In New York To Be Vetoed

Several New York GOP lawmakers are calling for a new bill that will provide healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants to be vetoed. New York GOP Lawmakers Oppose Bill That Will Provide Healthcare Coverage to Illegal Immigrants Following the Senate’s approval, GOP lawmakers opposed the passing of the new bill that will provide healthcare coverage to…

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Proposition 400

Governor Hobbs Reveals She Would Veto The Extension Of Half-Cent Sales Tax For Infrastructure Projects In Arizona

Governor Hobbs revealed she would veto the plan of extending the half-cent sales tax for infrastructure projects in Arizona. Governor Hobbs Will Reject the Extension of Sales Tax for Local Infrastructure Projects in Arizona Following the nearing end of the half-cent statewide sales tax for infrastructure projects in Arizona, Governor Hobbs expressed her disagreement with…

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