Pay Raise

What To Avoid When Asking For A Raise If You Are Underpaid – Check The Phrases You Can’t Say!

Here are the phrases you must avoid when asking for a raise if you are underpaid. Phrases to Avoid When Asking for a Raise if You Are Feeling Underpaid After Years of Working and Serving the Company When asking for a raise, if you are feeling underpaid, you should take note of some phrases to…

Minimum wage increase

Eligible Healthcare Workers To Expect $25 Minimum Wage Following New California Bill

Eligible healthcare workers will expect a $25 minimum wage following the passing of a new California bill. $25 Minimum Wage for Eligible Healthcare Workers Passed Under New Bill in California Following the passing of SB 525 in California, several eligible healthcare workers will expect to receive a minimum wage increase of up to $25, which…