Relatives and Lawmakers Are Concerned On Murder Suspect Discharge From Arizona Mental Facility

Relatives and Lawmakers Are Concerned On Murder Suspect Discharge From Arizona Mental Facility

The Arizona lawmakers and relatives of the murder suspect who killed his mother and niece in 1999 are questioning the controversial release of the murder suspect from the Arizona psychiatric hospital.   The family members of the murder suspect are questioning the Mental facility on the controversial release of the murder suspect Lawmakers and the…

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Ryan Lenard Manigo

South Carolina Murder Case: 6 People Stabbed To Death Inside Fire-Engulfed House, 13-Year-Old Survived

Six people were found stabbed to death inside a fire-engulfed house, while a 13-year-old survived in the South Carolina murder case. Six People Dies After Being Stabbed to Death Inside Fire-Engulfed Home in South Carolina Murder Case Six people were found dead after being fatally stabbed inside a fire-engulfed house in a South Carolina murder…

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Susan Louise Lorincz

Murder Suspect Claims Self-Defense After Fatally Shooting 35-Year-Old Neighbor in Florida, Victim’s Family Demands More Serious Charges

A murder suspect claimed self-defense after fatally shooting a 35-year-old neighbor in Florida and received a lesser serious charge. Murder Suspect Claims Self-Defense After Murdering Neighbor Following Series of Arguments A 58-year-old murder suspect named Susan Louise Lorincz claimed self-defense after fatally shooting her 35-year-old neighbor Ajika “Aj” Owens following a series of arguments due…

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Kirby R. King

Murder Suspect Arrested After Killing, Dumping Body Of 22-Year-Old Missouri Woman 3 Decades Ago Pleads Guilty

A murder suspect arrested after killing and dumping the body of a 22-year-old Missouri woman three decades ago pleaded guilty. Murder Suspect Killed and Dumped Body of 22-Year-Old Woman in Missouri Woods Pleads Guilty Three Decades Later A 67-year-old murder suspect named Kirby R. King, who strangled a 22-year-old Missouri woman, Karla Jane Delcour, to…

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