
Ways Citizens Can Contribute to Crime Prevention Discussed by CrimeStoppers and Community Advocates

Neighborhood leaders and CrimeStoppers in Montgomery, Alabama, are fighting gun violence, which caused over 70 homicides last year. Crime Prevention Strategies: A Community Approach to Tackling Gun Violence Gun violence destroys families and communities, according to CrimeStoppers’ Tony Garrett. Visiting the elderly, often ignored victims, and encouraging parents to talk to their children about responsible…

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After a large struggle on a riverside wharf in Alabama, Montgomery cops issued warrants

Officials issued several arrest warrants after surveillance video captured a violent battle erupting on a well-liked riverfront wharf in Montgomery, Alabama, on Saturday when an individual was repeatedly hit and shoved to the ground. Footage of the scene shows a Black man interacting with a group of White males on the dock before they become physical…

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Arrest warrants issued by the Alabama Police Department after boaters attack dock employee at Montgomery riverbank

Alabama Police Department announced on Monday that four arrest warrants had been issued in connection with a large brawl on a riverfront in which a group of people seemed to attack a dockworker while onlookers screamed and recorded the commotion. Major Saba Coleman of the Montgomery Police Department said more warrants could be issued when authorities evaluate…

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