Casey McIntyre

NYC Cancer Patient Who Recently Died Raises Millions In Fundraising Campaign To Erase Medical Debt Of Others

A New York City cancer patient who recently died raised millions in a fundraising campaign to erase the medical debt of others. NYC Cancer Patient Who Died Raises Millions in Fundraising Campaign to Erase Others’ Medical Debt An NYC cancer patient named Casey McIntyre raised millions in a fundraising campaign to erase the rising medical…

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Medical Debt Impact

Medical Debt Impact On Low Income Families Worsen As Increasing Debt Pushes Them Into Bankruptcy

The medical debt impact on low income families continued to worsen as increasing debt pushed them into bankruptcy. Medical Debt Impact on Low Income Families Continues to Worsen Housing and Homelessness Crisis The medical debt impact on low income families continued to worsen the increasing housing and homelessness crisis across the country as medical debt…

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Three Debts That Can Be Forever Forgiven

Most Americans carry an immense burden of debt, which can be stressful and financially difficult for both people and households. You might be shocked to learn that some debt is unchangeable, though. Understanding Canceled Debt A borrower experiences a canceled debt if a creditor decides to free them from having to return all or part…

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