Thursday, the Justice Department announced that it had been settled with an Idaho-based memory chipmaker Micron Technology an $85,000 Settlement over the alleged violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

$85,000 Settlement: Micron Technology Agrees To Pay For Discrimination Claims

Thursday, the Justice Department announced that it had been settled with an Idaho-based memory chipmaker Micron Technology an $85,000 Settlement over the alleged violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act. $85,000 Settlement: For Discrimination Claims Accused To Micron Technology Chipmaker, Micron Technology has settled with the U.S. Justice Department over the allegations of immigration-related employment…

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CT tax cuts

Connecticut Lawmakers Advance Proposal to Lower State Tax Rates, But Some Say it’s Not Enough

Republican legislators, the minority party in the General Assembly, and some Democrats have expressed disappointment in the tax-cutting plan presented by leaders of the Finance Revenue and Bonding Committee Connecticut’s state lawmakers have advanced a Democratic proposal to lower state income tax rates, but the plan has not satisfied some legislators who say it is…

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Financial Finesse concluded millennials could be sabotaging their retirement savings goals

New Study Finds: Millennials Are Sabotaging Their Retirement Savings Goals With Poor Investment Decisions

Earlier this week, a new study by Financial Finesse showed that millennials could be derailing their retirement savings goals because of poor investment or financial decisions.   Financial Finesse concluded millennials could be sabotaging their retirement savings goals A study released earlier this week by Financial Finesse found that Americans’ retirement savings goals preparation depends…

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