US President Joe Biden

Student Loan Borrowers To Receive $20,000 In Debt Relief As Part Of Biden’s New Plan

Millions of student loan borrowers will receive $20,000 in debt relief under Biden’s new plan. Student Loan Borrowers to Expect Debt Relief Under New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan As part of the new student loan forgiveness plan for student loan borrowers, the Biden administration increased the amount to forgive student debt from $10,000 to $20,000…

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Student-Loan Payment Pause

Conservative Group Demands To End Student-Loan Payment Pause

A conservative group demanded to end the student-loan payment pause Thursday. Conservative Group Calls for the Ongoing Student-Loan Payment Pause to End A conservative group named Mackinac Center expressed their desire to end the ongoing student-loan payment pause and claimed that the borrowers should already start repaying their loans. According to the conservative group, they…

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