Unprecedented Atlantic Hurricane Season Sparks Concern

Unprecedented Atlantic Hurricane Season Sparks Concern as Warm Waters and El Niño Clash

Unusually warm ocean temperatures and a slow-to-emerge El Niño are contributing to this heightened activity. The Atlantic hurricane season, which has already seen an above-average 18 named storms, is causing concern among experts due to a combination of factors that could lead to an eventful and unusual conclusion Typically, October marks a transition in Atlantic…

Atlantic Hurricane Season Predicted to Be Above-Normal

2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season Predicted to Be Above-Normal, Warns NOAA

This adjustment is based on current oceanic and atmospheric conditions, particularly the exceptionally warm Atlantic sea surface temperatures, which are offsetting the typically constraining factors related to the ongoing El Nino phenomenon. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, a branch of the National Weather Service, has revised its forecast for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season Now expect…