
How Can You Give Back to Your Veterans?

Veterans are some of the most selfless people in our community. Veterans often put others before themselves when they fight for our country or their families. As a thank you for their service and sacrifice, it’s essential that you do what you can to support them when they return home from deployment. Here are some ways to support veterans:

Donate to A Veteran’s Cause

You can donate to the Wounded Warrior Project, a nonprofit that helps veterans who were injured in Iraq or Afghanistan. You can also donate to the Veterans Administration, an agency within the Department of Veteran Affairs that provides healthcare and other benefits to veterans. Another great charity is the VA Hospital in your area—and if there isn’t one, you should start one yourself!

Or, if you can make a financial donation to an organization like Operation Homefront or Fisher House Foundation, do so today!

Or does your heart go out more directly towards helping veterans? Then go ahead—you know what’s best for them!

Maybe they’d appreciate a nice home-cooked meal. Perhaps they would enjoy some new clothes; it’s essential for them and their families too! Or maybe just getting together for coffee would be enough of an act of kindness.

Visit Veterans in Retirement Homes or Hospitals

How Can You Give Back to Your Veterans?

You can volunteer to visit vets in retirement homes, hospitals, and nursing homes. This is especially appreciated by the elderly, who feel more isolated than younger people.

If you’re interested in visiting veterans with medical conditions, specifically those at a VA hospital or hospice center, contact the staff directly to discuss your interests and availability.

Support a Service Member’s Family in Their Time of Need

The family can be left with overwhelming financial and emotional burdens when a service member is killed or injured. You and your community can support them by offering donations, food drives and other forms of assistance.

  • Donate to local organizations that help military families.
  • Gather donations for troops’ families during the holidays or other appropriate occasions (for example, Veteran’s Day).
  • Share information about these organizations with your friends and family members who have connections with military personnel to increase awareness about their needs.

Hire a Veteran

How Can You Give Back to Your Veterans?

Veterans are an excellent resource for employers. They’re a source of talent, leadership, innovation, and loyalty. The Department of Labor estimates that veterans make up 10 percent of the workforce in America—that’s more than 6 million people! And companies like IBM and Home Depot have already hired them in droves. But there are still many more businesses that could benefit from having vets on their teams.

Professionals at Intuit support veterans and say, “From creating an environment where veterans feel supported to doing more outside the workplace, like shopping with veteran-owned businesses, each of us can play a part to be a better ally to veterans.”

We can’t think of a better way to show our appreciation for veterans than by giving back. You don’t have to be a wealthy individual to help, either—think about what the veteran in your life would appreciate most and go from there.

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