How Might Environmental Consultants Find Radioactive Garbage at A Missouri Elementary School?

A recent analysis by environmental investigation consultants finds significant radioactive contamination at an elementary school in suburban St. Louis, where nuclear bombs were developed during World War II.

A prior assessment by the Army Corps of Engineers revealed concerns about pollution at Jana Elementary School in the Hazelwood School District in Florissant, and this analysis by Boston Chemical Data Corp. validated those fears.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the latest assessment is based on samples gathered from the school in August. Boston Chemical did not reveal the report’s requester or its source of funding.

Coldwater Creek, where the school is located, has been polluted by nuclear waste.

Sites near St. Louis Lambert International Airport, next to a creek leading to the Missouri River, were used for waste disposal. Over the past two decades, the Corps has worked to restore the creek’s natural state.

Corps study showed contamination in the region, although at considerably lower levels, and no samples were taken within 300 feet of the school.

Radioactive waste found at Missouri elementary school

Jana’s library, kitchen, classrooms, fields, and playgrounds all contributed to the most current report.

Radium-226, polonium-210, and other radioactive and toxic substances were found in “far in excess” of what Boston Chemical had anticipated. Inside the school, dust samples were found to have high levels of contamination.

According to the paper, these radioactive elements are extremely dangerous and should never be inhaled or ingested.

It will take a “major remedial program” to get the school up to par, the report warns.

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