PBA Local 127 Members Build a Wooden Swing Set for A Family in Old Bridge

The officers of Old Bridge, New Jersey, who make up the Old Bridge Policemen’s Benevolent Association Local 127, are dedicated to protecting and serving their communities, as well as building wooden swing sets for their children.

Maybe not always, but when Dana Fiorello of the Township asked for a referral for someone to construct a wooden swing set for her two sons, the Old Bridge Local Policemen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) answered the call.

In order to construct the swing set for the Fiorello family, PBA President Vinny Galgano solicited help from the organization’s membership. Many people immediately responded to his call for help. Reaching out to the Fiorellos, he shared the good news with them. We’ve scheduled a meetup for the future.

pba local 127 members build a wooden swing set for a family in old bridge

“We finally got the swing set assembled after a few weather-related setbacks,” he said. It was Officer Joe Miller who organized the meeting, with help from Officer Matt Jaikissoon and Detective Jessica Caffey. All three officers put in a lot of time over the past few days putting together the entire swing set.

Galgano remarked that the Fiorellos, especially the two young men, were very appreciative. “The boys were all smiles as they colored signs for the police. The kids were so excited about their new swing set.

Officers Miller, Jaikissoon, and Caffey “stepped up and helped out a family in our community,” said Galgano, president of Old Bridge PBA Local 127. We are very proud of the work we do for the residents of Old Bridge.

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