Could we please blow down Hooters next if we’re going to outlaw drag?
I would like to use this opportunity as the Texas legislative session draws to an end to highlight the Legislature’s greatest fruitless endeavor: the several efforts to outlaw drag. Drag encourages sexism, according to bills like House Bill 1266, HB 3240, HB 4378, and HB 643, and “exposes kids to extremely sexual material at a young age.”
Do you sense more security from “hypersexualization”? Yes, I do. Yet why isn’t the Legislature get a (wing) bone to choose with ladies in tight, pointless uniforms serving pricey fast food in a setting of “excellent moments” for $2.15 an hour if individuals in wigs lip-syncing make society even worse? Where is the aggressive legislation defending kids from the tiny restaurant business?
The fact that cultural opinions of breasts, if they are formed of flesh or padding, are wildly dissimilar is hardly new. Every time my kid screams out in public because they are hungry, I as a breastfeeding mother examine the area nervously. I’m aware that exposing my breast will generate shocked and disgusted looks. Pearls are bound even though I utilize my breasts for their natural function, which is to nourish a future member of society.