President Joe Biden may formally launch he’s plan on running in the 2024 election next week.

2024 Re-Election Campaign Expected To Be Announce By Biden Next Week
One source came from the planning tells CBS News that President Joe Biden’s team is aiming to release a reelection announcement video on Tuesday, April 25.
They said that the President is nearing a formal launch of his re-election campaign as early as next week. President Biden himself has not yet officially signed off. He will be going to Camp David with his family and staff and surely the campaign will be discussed there. They said, that maybe the President will likely announce his presidential re-election campaign on April 25, because it is the anniversary of the day he announced his last presidential bid.
Former President Trump, who is now 76 years old is the first candidate to declare a 2024 White House bid. Gov. Nikki Haley a former U.S. Ambassador will also run in a presidential bid in 2024 as also former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson.
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Biden Will Announce His 2024 Re-Election Campaign Next Week
The Washington Post first reported that the president’s campaign plan has been talked about at the White House among his closest workmates and with the Democratic Party for several months already, but the White House officials declined to confirm the reports. President Joe Biden will also be hosting major bundlers’ campaigns in Washington next week. The Top administration officials, Cabinet secretaries familiar with the plan will be joining him. According to one of the Democrats said that they were invited via phone call and no written invitation was given for it to be private.