
Crash Course in Romance Season 1 Episode 13 and 14 Release Date, Time, and Where to Watch

Release Date, Time, and Where to Watch for Episodes 13 and 14 of Crash Course in Romance Season 1 appeared originally on Ready Steady Cut.

We go over the release date and online streaming options for Crash Course in Romance Season 1 Episodes 13 and 14, a Netflix K-Drama series.

By the conclusion of Crash Course in Romance episode 12, it appeared like Dong-hui would take matters into his own hands and find a way to wreak revenge on Haeng-seon that would be considerably more ominous than simply steering a yacht off course. As a result, it appears that Chi-(Jung yeol’s Kyung-ho) assistant could be the metal ball killer, indicating that he has a strong infatuation with the person he works for. The reason for this fixation and Dong-tragic hui’s acts will be fascinating to learn about. Of course, the aim is that his plotting will prevent him from getting close to Haeng-seon.

In a different incident, Hui-jae was detained on suspicion of killing I-sang, and his mother urged him to keep silent at all costs.

Seo-jin thought her kid might be the culprit and sought to claim insanity. Hui-jae is a murder witness, not a murder suspect, as episode 12 made clear. Although the trustworthiness of the shut-testimony in’s will be called into doubt given that he suffers from bipolar disorder and anxiety, how this affects the proceedings may be crucial.

  • Haeng-seon is becoming suspicious of Dong-hui, though he believes she might be overly sensitive.
  • Jae-woo has rejected Yeong-ju.
  • Geon-hu has proposed that Hae-e should go out with him if he gets into college.
  • The Pride Academy has reinstated Chi-yeol, and Hae-e will be readmitted into the All Care programme.
  • Su-hui’s influence on her clique of mothers is diminishing.
  • Haeng-seon and Chi-yeol are making strides in their relationship.

Crash Course in Romance Season 1 Episodes 13 and 14 Release Date and Time

Crash Course in Romance Episode 13 Preview: When, Where and How to Watch! |  Leisurebyte

The release date of the romantic Korean series Crash Course in Romance Episode 13 is February 25, 2023. Episode 14 will also air on February 26, 2023. You can watch these episodes on Saturday and Sunday at the given times:

Also Read: The Top 10 Best Anime Shows on Netflix Ever.

Where to Watch Online

Season 1 Episode 13 of Crash Course in Romance will be available on Netflix on February 25, 2023. The time is typically 2:00 pm (GMT), but this can occasionally change. The schedule is not expected to change at this time (sometimes this happens in the K-Drama world.). The following day, on February 26, Crash Course in RomanceSeason 1 Episode 14 will air at the same time. The average length of each episode is between 70 and 75 minutes.


  • Dong-hui doesn’t act on his desires regarding Haeng-seon, though it reveals more of his true personality.
  • Hui-jae becomes a pivotal witness to I-sang’s murder case.
  • Seo-jin hears that Hae-e has also seen the leaked exam paper, so they attempt to get involved in the situation.
  • Hae-e weighs up the right thing to do, despite the potential consequences for her and Sun-jae.
  • Chi-yeol becomes more aware of Dong-hui’s aggressive side and begins to side with Haeng-seon.
  • Yeong-ju and Jae-woo step up their potential romance.

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