
Jeff Bezos Net Worth – A Real Time Update on Richer Life!

American philanthropist, business magnate, and astrophysicist Jeff Bezos is perhaps best known for founding the online retailer Amazon.com. Amazon.com’s founder, CEO, president, and chairman of the board is Jeff Bezos. In July 2017, he became the first person to out-rich Bill Gates in terms of wealth. As of January 2021, he was still the world’s richest person, having held that position since October 2017.

Jeff Bezos’ net worth

Net Worth: $132.8 Billion
Date of Birth: Jan 12, 1964 (58 years old)
Gender: Male
Profession: Entrepreneur, Businessperson
Nationality: United States of America

It is currently $132.8 billion.

It is estimated that Jeff holds around 55 million shares of Amazon stock or about 12 percent of the company’s total stockholders. On top of his Amazon stake, he had 80 million shares. When Jeff Bezos divorced MacKenzie Bezos in April 2019, he gave her 19.7 million stock options. It was estimated that at the time of the transaction, the shares were worth $36 billion. In the short term, Jeff’s net worth dropped from $150 billion to $114 billion as a result of the agreement. Jeff also invested in Google.com before the company went public, and he has at least $1 billion worth of Alphabet Inc. shares.


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As recently as the early 2000s, Jeff was not even among the world’s wealthiest people. Late in 2014, Amazon’s stock price began to soar. There were 50 billion dollars in Jeff’s bank account at the end of July 2015. After just two years, his net worth and the stock had both doubled. As of July 27, 2017, Jeff Bezos had surpassed Bill Gates as the world’s richest man. Amazon’s market capitalization reached $1 trillion in September of last year. Until then, he had 80 million shares in the company, thus this was pre-divorce. Jeff Bezos had a net worth of $170 billion at that time, which was a record high for him.

The richest person in history is Jeff Bezos

According to our list of the richest people of all time, Jeff is not even in the top 10 despite his $200 billion peak net worth. According to the $200 billion estimates, that would rank as the 11th-largest wealth ever amassed by an individual (counting inflation). To put this in perspective, the oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller was worth $340 billion when he died, adjusted for inflation.

How Much Could Jeff Bezos Be Worth by the Year 2020?

The sky is the limit when it comes to possibilities. Achieving trillionaire status just by selling his Amazon shares, on the other hand, appears to be a rather ambitious objective. At each $1 trillion milestones for the company, Jeff’s share price rises by $120 billion (on paper). Accordingly, for Jeff to become a billionaire solely based on the value of his Amazon shares, the company’s market valuation would have to exceed $8.3 trillion.

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Jeff Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on January 12, 1964. At the time of Jeff’s birth, his mother was a 17-year-old high school student. Bike shops were his father’s business. Jeff’s mother finally divorced Jeff’s biological father. At the age of four, she married Miguel Bezos, a Cuban immigrant. Miguel adopted Jeff and Jeff’s last name was legally changed from Jorgenson to Bezos soon after the wedding. Mike accepted a position as an engineer at Exxon in Houston, so the family relocated there. A cattle ranch south of San Antonio belonged to his mother’s paternal grandparents, so they lived closer to them. Mattie Louise Gise, Mattie’s maternal grandmother, was a first cousin of country music legend George Strait.


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During his childhood in Texas, Bezos utilized his parents’ garage to do scientific experiments. As a child, he would spend the summers at his grandparents’ farm. Jeff would later claim that he developed his work ethic while working on the ranch during his summer vacations. It wasn’t long before he bought the ranch and expanded it from 25,000 acres to 300,000.

A few years later, the family relocated to Miami, where Jeff was about to start high school. Jeff worked at McDonald’s as a short-order cook while still a high school student. National Merit Scholar and valedictorian of high school In his valedictorian speech, he spoke of a desire for humanity to one day colonize the cosmos.

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It was his intention to study physics at Princeton, but his passion for computers caused him to change his major. He graduated with a 4.2 GPA, Phi Beta Kappa, from summa cum laude, the final semester of his college career. he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and electrical engineering from the university

Jeff began his career at a financial technology company called Fitel after graduating from university. Afterward, when he was hired by Bankers Trust as a product manager, he made the switch to banking. A hedge fund called D. E. Shaw & Co was founded in 1990 with the belief that mathematical modeling might anticipate large market profits. In 1990 he was hired as a financial analyst for the company.


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Until 1994, Jeff was a senior vice president of D.E. Shaw, rising all the way to fourth place. Thirty was his official age.


Exactly one year prior, Jeff was enthralled with the early stages of the Internet. He was looking for a way to make money online, and he finally settled on selling books. He came up with Amazon’s business strategy while driving from New York City to Seattle. It was in his garage that he started the original firm in 1994, which he officially founded.

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Carnegie Mellon University gave Bezos an honorary doctorate in Science and Technology in 2008, and Time magazine named him Person of the Year in 1999. Part of Bezos’ obsession with space travel led him to launch Blue Origin, a human spaceflight business, in 2000. There is early interest in the development of 2 million or 3 million people orbiting the Earth space hotels, amusement parks, colonies, and small cities in Blue Origin’s blueprints.


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When the firm purchased a large amount of land in west Texas for a launch and test site in 2006, it was maintained a secret for a few years before it was made public knowledge in 2007. A year before he purchased The Washington Post in 2013, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos met with billionaire Richard Branson, creator of the Virgin Group, to discuss commercial spaceflight potential and strategies.

Information Regarding The Sources Of Wealth And Its Development

At least $70 billion of Bezos’ shares have been sold over Amazon’s first 20 years on the market. His annual stock sale totals $1 billion, which is part of a pre-planned deal.

It was $300 million in market value on the day Amazon went public. Jeff had a net worth of $120 million at the time of his purchase of 40% of the company (on paper, pre-tax). He was worth $1 billion in a year. When the dotcom bubble burst, Jeff was worth $10 billion. In October of 2001, Amazon’s stock price hit an all-time low of $5 per share following the fall of the tech bubble. Jeff’s net worth has fallen to between $1 and $2 billion at that point. ”


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For $10,000 in October 2001, if you had invested that money in Amazon, you would now be worth more than $15 million.

Amount of Wealth Attained

An initial public offering (IPO) raised $120 million in May 1997.

For the first time in June 1998, the total transaction value exceeded one billion dollars.

$10 billion in assets as of the end of June 1999

In July of this year, there was a total value of $50 billion.

In January of this year, $100 billion was spent.

August 2017–$150 BILLION dollars.

One hundred seventy-six billion dollars

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Personal Life

Jeff announced in January 2019 that he is divorcing his 25-year-old wife, MacKenzie. For Jeff’s $150 billion net worth, this divorce is certain to have a significant impact.

The date is April 4, 2019 – An acceptable agreement has been struck between Jeff and MacKenzie over their divorce, which would see MacKenzie get $36 billion in Amazon stock. Jeff will keep 75% of his previous interest and will be able to vote on MacKenzie’s stock. Jeff’s space firm, Blue Origin, and the Washington Post will not be owned by her. This decision to divide their mansions and private jets is still a mystery. Immediately following the announcement, Jeff’s net worth increased to $114 billion.

March 9, 2020 – $111 billion

1st of July, 2020 – 172 billion $$

9th of July, 2020: $190 billion

28 days from now – $202 billion

If you’re keeping score, Jeff became a millionaire in just three years after he launched in 1995. With a total of $100 billion, he made $50 billion in 20 years, and another $50 billion in just 2.5 years. Adding another $50 billion in 7 months later, he had made a total of $150 billion. In a flash, he went from having $36 billion in his bank account to having nothing.


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is worth $169 billion, according to Forbes. As of this writing, he is the world’s wealthiest person. Amazon.com was founded by him, and he serves as the company’s CEO. MacKenzie Bezos, who was immediately elevated to the ranks of the world’s wealthiest 25 individuals as a result of the divorce settlement, lost $36 billion of her husband’s fortune to him.

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