break in house

Three Police Officer Wounded While Responding To A Burglary In Maryland

While Responding To A Burglary In Twin Lakes Drive In Port Deposit, Maryland, Three Officer Were Shot By The Suspect Identified As Daniel Padraig Colin Donnelly, 24, Of Elkton. After Firing At The Officer The Suspect Then Ran Into A Nearby Forest, And Police Warned The Resident If Any Unwary Suspicious Person.


Three Police Officer Wounded While Responding To A Burglary In Maryland (Photo: SQ Attorneys)


Three Injured When Responding to A Burglary

Police responded at the scene where a burglary was in progress when they are met with gunshots after arriving. The burglar was said to be inside the house when they arrived, three officers were hit when they approach using the backyard portion of the house. Suspect was identified as Daniel Padraig Colin Donnelly, 24. After firing Donnelly then ran into a nearby woods, residents were alerted to look out a suspicious man.


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Several law enforcement agencies assisted in the manhunt. An officer then receives a call from a convenience store clerk that there was a man asking customers for a ride. Officers then responded and caught Donnelly and placed under arrest. Charged with three counts of attempted murder, direct assault, robbery and life endangerment. Injured officer was put on leave while investigation is on-going.


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