A Worker In Mandina’s Restaurant Was The Actual Target Of A Shooting Incident On A Friday Night. A Female Is Also Injured Who Was Inside The Premises Who Had No Direct Connection To The Perpetrator.

Employee Fatally Shot
A shooting incident transpired on a Friday night at Mandina’s Restaurant wherein a staff is the target. A female who is inside the premises is also injured but unintentional. The Police then responded after a call that shots were fired in the vicinity. The Staff was fatally shot when he was outside of the establishment. The woman was taken to the hospital but she was in stable condition.
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It was the opening day of New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival when the incident happed in which Woodfork said is an isolated case and not connected to the festival. The female victim was a visitor who was only celebrating the birthday of a friend.
When gunshot were fired all the customers in the restaurant dropped to floor, a 90 minute lockdown was made before the Police let everyone leave to make sure that nothing will follow.
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