A Teen And A Female Middle School Student Assistant Had Sex In Exchange For Vapes And Cash.
Female Assistant In Pennsylvania School Allegedly ‘Used’ A Student During Detention And Had ‘Sexual Activity’ In Her Car That Evening. Her Alleged Sexual Escapade Was During Her Employment At The School And Being A School Assistant.
Former School Assistant and her ‘sexcapade’.
Megan Carlisle, 37 years old, allegedly had sex with an underage student at Pennsylvania school. This sexual escapade happened when she was employed for being a para-professional and in-school assistant, while the student was in detention, she was allegedly molesting the student and had sex with him afterwards.
Police said she was allegedly sending uncensored pictures and videos of her to the victim and his friend. The school immediately reported it to Childline and the police when they learned of the incident. The Elizabethtown Area School District has made a comment that they will cooperate and support the investigation and already fired Carlisle after the incident.
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On April 28, she was allegedly had sex with the victim inside her car and gave him $20 via Cash App for food and bought him vape pods the next day. Northwest Regional police, discovered the videos and pictures being sent and shared to an unknown number. Police believed there are others, and searched her car, cellphone and home for evidence. Carlisle now is in custody in Lancaster County Prison, with a bond of $200,000.
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