
Is It Improper to Attempt to Pick up Women in A Dungeon? Season 4 Episode 19 Release Date, Airtime, and Online Streaming Location

Is Trying to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon Wrong? Release information for Season 4 Episode 19 first posted on Ready Steady Cut.

We talk about the anime series Is It Bad to Attempt to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon from HiDive. Season 4 Episode 19 information, including the air date and online streaming locations.

Bell’s (Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) party has finally received the assistance and knowledge they require to help him after waiting for weeks. The lower floors have seen him and Ryuu (Saori Hayami) holding their own, but it’s unclear how long they can keep it up, especially after discovering this mystery colosseum. Even if their pals and the Xenos are en route to offer assistance, let’s hope they can still connect before it’s too late.

Is Trying to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon Wrong? 4th season review

  • Ryuu speaks with Alise about the argument she had with Kaguya. Although she agrees that trying to save everyone is ideal, it doesn’t always work out that way.
  • The presence of the Xenos, though helpful, is new and confusing to everyone but Bell’s party.
  • Lili attempts to explain the Xenos as a dungeon anomaly.
  • Tsubaki and her party show up as well.
  • Marie calls Lyd over to inform him that Bell is in trouble after falling into the lower floors of the dungeon. He immediately rallies the other intelligent monsters to find them.
  • Lili informs everyone of the new plan to join forces to save Bell and Ryuu.
  • Bell and Ryuu get caught up facing several dangerous monsters on the lower floors, including several Barbarians.
  • After being ambushed, Bell is hit with a poisonous spike in his shoulder.
  • Bell pulls the needle out just before stabbing himself with a unicorn horn knife, one of the most effective ways to nullify poison.
  • Bell and Ryuu stumble upon the ruins of an arena that Ryuu calls “The Colosseum.”

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Season 4 Episode 19 Release Date and Time

Stream Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? IV on HIDIVE

Release day for Season 4 Episode 19 is set for Thursday, February 23, 2023 on HiDive. It will be available at 9:00 ET. The title of Episode 19 is “Colloseum: Battle Arena,” and it will last roughly 23 minutes.

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Where to Watch Online

Is It Bad to Attempt to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon is available to viewers worldwide.


With a HiDive subscription on the aforementioned date, Season 4 Episode 19 will be available.

  • Something tells me this colosseum isn’t as rundown as it looks. Knowing Bell and Ryuu’s luck, they may encounter stronger monsters here or even run into the Juggernaut.
  • Since the Xenos know the dungeon better than anyone, I doubt it will take them long to find Bell and Ryuu. I could see that happening as early as the next episode, maybe even coming to their recuse during a battle in the colosseum.

For once, both of my predictions came true, with Tsubaki’s party eventually meeting Bell’s party and the Xenos discovering Bell’s whereabouts. Bell and Ryuu should be saved from the depths of the lower floors soon as the amount of help has more than doubled.

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