Renuva is an FDA-approved injectable therapy that helps restore volume loss in the face and neck while enhancing skin tone, enhancing cheek volume, and erasing wrinkles. Additionally, it can restore youth to the backs of hands, level asymmetrical breasts, conceal scars, cellulite dimples, décolletage lines, and abnormalities from liposuction.
After being injected, Renuva produces an “adipose matrix” that resembles a honeycomb that serves as a framework for your own body fat to build, a procedure known as remodelling.
Over the following three months, your own fat cells gradually take their place, correcting volume loss in the face, hands, and body.
Dr Erez Sternberg, a Jacksonville, Florida, plastic surgeon, notes that Renuva depends on the body’s capacity to restore fat within the injected structural matrix material.
Because the procedure doesn’t require liposuction and produces results similar to autologous fat transfer (in which excess fat is harvested from another area of the body and injected into an area where more volume is desired), some providers refer to it as a synthetic fat grafting procedure. This is advantageous for people who have little body fat to transfer or who don’t want the risks or costs associated with plastic surgery.
What Materials Makeup Renuva?
Renuva is an allograft adipose matrix, which means it comes from donated, purified fat tissue.
Your body won’t react to Renuva as a foreign material because it contains the same growth factors, proteins, and collagen that are present in your own naturally occurring fat.

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What Takes Place During a Renuva Therapy?
Depending on how many parts of the body are being treated, the in-office treatment for Renova injections might take anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes.
The technique itself is extremely simple: A local anaesthetic will first be used to numb the treatment sites.
Renuva is injected beneath your skin using a tiny needle or cannula once the area has become numb.
The recovery period is brief, and you can resume your regular activities (such as employment) right away.
How Soon Does Renuva Start to Work?
According to Dr Stanley Okoro, a plastic surgeon in Marietta, Georgia, you’ll notice some smoothing and extra volume immediately, but it can take up to three months to see your complete outcome. It takes that long for your own body fat to completely fill the adipose matrix.

The deoxycholic acid in Kybella can melt the fat if you determine that the Renuva outcomes aren’t what you wanted. Liposuction can also be used to get rid of it.
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Treatment in The Office
Outpatient Renuva Adipose Matrix skin treatment is carried out in a professional setting. There will be no general anaesthesia, cutting, or incisions during the operation, unlike surgery. Depending on where the treatment sites are and how big they are, the process can be finished in less than 30 minutes.

Renuva tissue filler injections are an advanced and cutting-edge procedure that will be carried out at the office of the brilliant and wonderful Dr Motykie under his personal direction and supervision. Dr. Motykie makes sure that all non-surgical methods adhere to the same best medical practices and quality standards that he applies to plastic surgery procedures.
With No Pause
The fact that most non-surgical Renuva skin care procedures don’t require any specific downtime or rehabilitation is one of their main benefits. Following the injection therapy, patients can easily resume their regular activities or return to work. In fact, working folks can plan their Renuva injection session during their lunch break and then just go back to their job thereafter.

To attain their cosmetic goals, patients should plan on receiving two to three injectable treatments spaced out over a number of weeks. In some situations, little redness and swelling at the injection sites may develop, but they will go away shortly. successful and kind plastic surgeon Dr Motykie treats patients with Renuva skin rejuvenation filler in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other nearby suburbs and cities in this region of the country.
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How Many Renuva Therapy Sessions Are Required?
You could require two or more Renuva treatments to achieve your desired effects. A series of injections are advised by West Hollywood, California plastic surgeon Dr Jason Emer until you achieve the best results. Your medical professional will administer a starting dose at your initial therapy appointment.
Once your body’s own fat has completely filled in the treated area, you’ll come back three months later to evaluate your results and decide whether you require more treatment.