Poor Socioeconomic Status In Neighborhoods Can Impact How Your Brain Functions – Here’s Why
Here’s why poor socioeconomic status in neighborhoods can impact how your brain functions.
Poor Socioeconomic Status in Neighborhoods Negatively Affects How Your Brain Functions
Living in neighborhoods with poor socioeconomic status can negatively affect how your brain functions, wherein being stuck in a neighborhood while struggling from a poor socioeconomic status, including low salaries, high unemployment rates, overpopulation, and poor education quality, would only change certain areas of the brain.
According to a report published in Zenger, studies showed that growing up in neighborhoods with poor socioeconomic status mainly affects how individuals convey their emotions, understand, and think, especially for young children born and exposed to poor socioeconomic status, affecting their cognitive skills.
With evident poor socioeconomic status in neighborhoods, these studies proved how environmental conditions could greatly affect individuals’ brains as people living in neighborhoods with poor socioeconomic status resulted in changes in communication and the quality of thinking skills.
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Other Harmful Risks of Living and Growing Up in Neighborhoods with Poor Socioeconomic Status
Living and growing up in neighborhoods with poor socioeconomic status reportedly could also increase stress, leading to brain development disruption and the brain’s decreasing ability to process information and data, the New York Post reported.
Aside from affecting your brain’s functions, living in a poor socioeconomic status would also put you at other harmful risks, including various diseases or infections due to lack of healthy foods and other environmental factors.