An Obamacare replacement might possibly be passed if Trump wins another term after he announced his plans to reopen the fight against the act.

Trump Announces to Push Obamacare Replacement if He Wins Another Term and Reveals “Better” Plans for Health Care
The Obamacare replacement might possibly push through after former president Donald Trump revealed his plans to reopen the fight against the continuation of the health act if he wins another term, giving him the power to pass the Obamacare replacement.
According to a report published in US News, the former president claimed that having an Obamacare replacement would provide better healthcare services to public as he strongly believed that the Obamacare replacement would make the healthcare cost favorable and affordable to individuals, especially for low-income families who are in need.
Despite the Obamacare replacement, there were more than half of Americans agreed with the continuation of the act for their health care and millions are covered within the act, who can be affected if the Obamacare replacement is passed just like what the former president wanted.
Obamacare Replacement to Negatively Impact Public Health Care Despite Trump’s Claims That It Will Make It Better
Despite Trump’s claims that the Obamacare replacement would improve healthcare services, critics believed that it would only negatively impact millions as the plan would threaten public healthcare.
With the Obamacare replacement, people can expect the worse, including losing their insurance coverage and will make the health care cost higher, contradicting Trump’s claims, Axios reported.