Novel Synthetic Opioids

Novel Synthetic Opioids Could Be 1,000 Times More Powerful Than Morphine, Deadlier Than Fentanyl

The novel synthetic opioids could be 1,000 times more powerful than morphine and deadlier than fentanyl.

Novel Synthetic Opioids
The novel synthetic opioids could be 1,000 times more powerful than morphine and deadlier than fentanyl. (Photo: Time)

Surging Use of Novel Synthetic Opioids Reportedly 1,000 Times More Powerful Than Morphine and Deadlier Than Fentanyl

The surging use of novel synthetic opioids reportedly could be 1,000 times more powerful than morphine and deadlier than fentanyl, wherein the novel synthetic opioids were usually mixed into other illegal drugs commonly detected in patients who used novel synthetic opioids.

According to a report published in the New York Post, patients who have overdosed on novel synthetic opioids had to receive two or more dosages of naloxone to reverse the drug overdose of the novel synthetic opioids, higher than the required dosages for patients who have been overdosed on fentanyl, which was only one each overdose.

With the increasing use of novel synthetic opioids, there were also increasing rates of cardiac arrest cases and deaths due to the novel synthetic opioids other than cases involving other drugs, which was already considered a public health threat.

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Health Officials and Clinicians Encouraged to be Aware of the Effects of Novel Synthetic Opioids Following Surge

Following the surging novel synthetic opioids, health officials and clinicians are encouraged to be aware and know more about the effects of overdosing on the drugs and its health implications, worse than other drugs’ effects on health, CNN reported.

The warnings issued following the increasing cases of novel synthetic opioids would also help the public to be aware of how the drugs would affect their health and for clinicians to be aware that they should not just provide the novel synthetic opioids willingly.

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