High Breast Cancer Risk Continues Following Negative Impacts Of Air Pollution
The high breast cancer risk continues to increase following the negative impacts of too much exposure to air pollution particles.
High Breast Cancer Risk Continues to Increase Due to the Effects of Too Much Air Pollution Exposure
The high breast cancer risk continues to increase due to the negative effects of too much exposure to air pollution particles as studies show an increasing high breast cancer risk in areas with too much air pollution from industrial emissions and other combustion processes.
According to a report published in Scripps News, high breast cancer risk increases with exposure to air pollution particles that are harmful to humans, especially to the lungs, which could lead to other diseases besides worsening the high breast cancer risk.
With high breast cancer risk due to air pollution, health officials and researchers revealed too much exposure to air pollution particles results in endocrine disruption, increasing the high breast cancer risk and even other cases of cancer and tumor.
READ ALSO: Breast Cancer Development Has Higher Chances After Pregnancy Than Other Women Due To Various Factors
Ongoing Studies Attempt to Know More About How Air Pollution Impacts the High Breast Cancer Risk
Following the increasing cases of breast cancer in polluted areas, ongoing studies continue to know more about how air pollution impacts the high breast cancer risk and the other factors that affect cancer development.
Aside from the high breast cancer risk, air pollution could also be linked to the increasing risk of having dementia or infertility; however, the studies were still ongoing, Health News reported.
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