How important getting a COVID booster and flu shot at the right time is following the increasing COVID cases?
When Is the Right Time to Get COVID Booster and Flu Shot Following Increasing COVID Cases?
With the increasing COVID cases across the country, health officials are slowly encouraging people to get their COVID booster and flu shot that would protect them from the virus, especially during flu seasons, when people continuously ask when the right and best time would be to get a COVID booster and flu shot.
According to a report published in Parade, people should get COVID booster and flu shot depending on when health officials advised them to, wherein people have to wait until September or October to have their COVID booster and flu shot as these seasons would allow them to strengthen their immunity.
With the nearing best seasons for getting COVID booster and flu shot, people also wondered if getting both at the same time would be safe; however, health officials claimed that getting COVID booster and flu shot at the same time or getting one followed by another matter as long as they get it both.
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Some Tips to Remember in Strengthening Immune System Aside from COVID Booster and Flu Shot
Aside from getting a COVID booster and flu shot, people should also get other vaccines to have additional protection from experiencing the worst symptoms from viruses and strengthen their immune system, Henry Herald reported.
People should also follow preventive tips, including drinking enough water, eating healthy food, hand washing, and working out to avoid getting respiratory viruses even without a COVID booster and flu shot.
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