
Bipartisan Bill To Expand Healthcare Workforce Signed: Governor Kelly

Senate Bill 131 Was Signed Into Law To Provide Equal Healthcare Services. This Bill Provides For Additional Workforce Wherein There Has Been Shortage And People Are Having Hard Time Getting Proper Healthcare Services. This Bill Will Change Everything As Healthcare Providers Will Be Doubled Or Tripled.


healthcare providers
Bipartisan Bill To Expand Healthcare Workforce Signed: Governor Kelly (Photo: Canadian Business College)


Bill for Additional Healthcare Providers

The Bipartisan bill will expand the number of healthcare providers in the country. those specializing in Psychiatry, Social Services, Therapist, those who can administer Influenza vaccines to Kansas at a certain age and other licensed professional as acknowledge by Behavioral Regulatory Board. This has been due to medical specialist shortage that affected the services delivered to the people, wherein there has been a shortage of lifesaving Medicare.

The shortage made people wait for quite some time to acquire a schedule to meet with a specialist, the Kansas Pharmacists Association is on full support for this bill. Representative Brenda Landwehr (R-Wichita), said that she is very grateful to Governor Laura Kelly for signing this bill, she said that it will eradicate hardship on the part of healthcare providers and even patients who do not need to wait any longer because medical staff is fully utilized.


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Vaccines can be rolled out everywhere in a district or county due to the availability of medical practitioners. The bill will also benefit the State Board of Healing Arts, wherein they can play sports comfortably and confidently because a booth or mobile clinic will be always available in case of emergency during an event, and gives players the feeling of being safe because healthcare providers is a call away or even can travel with them during an event.


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