What Will Happen If You Never Use Your Credit Card for Several Months
As per a current credit card poll by The Ascent, the majority of Americans only hold 1 or 2 credit cards, however, a sizeable proportion of people hang on more than 4 cards. Probably, you won’t utilize them all every month if you have so many.
If you don’t use a credit card for a few months, nothing will change for you, but if it’s been a while, the issuer will probably start to notice.
Many credit card companies may forgive some months of inaction, but if you go anywhere from 6 to 12 months without using your card for anything, the company will probably terminate it for you.
Every business establishes its guidelines for the duration it will hold off canceling an unused card. You are welcome to get in touch with the issuer and inquire if you have any inquiries about the policies that apply to your card.