There Are Still States That Residents Can Still Get Stimulus Payments For This Summer 2023
Federal stimulus payments stopped at the end of 2021. And in 2022, almost all of the state stimulus payments had also expired. Though, in some states, distributions continue for this Summer of 2023.
These are a few states where residents can still receive stimulus payments
1. Idaho
Idaho had two stimulus payment programs, qualifying their residents could receive stimulus payments starting in 2022. The first was a tax rebate of $75 per family member. The second stimulus payment is called the “Special Session Rebate,”
2. Illinois
Illinois offered two types of stimulus payments in 2022 and will remain until Summer 2023. The income and property tax rebates of $700 were issued in September 2022. The state has to deliver more than six million stimulus payments and has indicated that it could take months to get them all to give.
3. Maine
Residents qualifying for the Maine Winter Energy Relief Payment will have state tax rebates no later than Oct. 31, 2022. Those who were qualified non-dependents with AGIs below $100,000 are qualified for a $450 stimulus payment.
4. Massachusetts
The Massachusetts stimulus payments period is over. But for some valid reason, the resident hasn’t yet filed a tax return and has a chance to file until Sept. 15, 2023.
Last two states where residents can still receive stimulus payments
4. Montana
Montana is the only state where new tax rebates are released in the summer of 2023. Qualified Residents may qualify for stimulus payments such as income or property tax rebates.
5. New Mexico
New Mexico is another state releasing fresh 2023 rebates, and they come in two variations. The first is for those that file tax rebates, while the second is for residents that aren’t obligated to file a return.
Read Also: Stimulus Checks Were Available To 228 Million Citizens, But Not Everyone Received One