The Government Announced To Help Migrants, Denver, Colorado Will Receive $8.6 Million In Federal Funds

The Government Announced To Help Migrants, Denver, Colorado Will Receive $8.6 Million In Federal Funds

Colorado State sought federal funds in early May to help shelter migrants. The government announced that Denver, Colorado, will be eligible to receive $8.6 Million in funds to help migrants.

The Government Announced To Help Migrants, Denver, Colorado Will Receive $8.6 Million In Federal Funds
The Government Announced To Help Migrants, Denver, Colorado Will Receive $8.6 Million In Federal Funds (Photo: Politico)


Denver has provided for the needs of migrants since December

With the unprecedented influx of migrants seeking entry to the country, some cities have taken responsibility for sheltering them. The government announced to release of federal funds to help ease the cost.

The Department of Homeland Security allocated $290 million to provide shelter for migrants. This fund is under the Shelter and Services Program.

Denver, Colorado, is eligible to receive $8.6 million in federal government funds, and the Colorado Homeland Security and Emergency Management will receive $1.2 million for their efforts to shelter and feed migrants entering the southern border.

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The city of Denver continues providing relief to migrants entering their city

The purpose of the federal money is to fund communities serving migrants by temporarily sheltering them and giving them food, medical needs, and hygiene supplies.

Denver, Colorado, has spent over $17.8 million to help more than 11,000 migrants since last year. That state money came from contingency funds of their city.

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