Student loan payments will prevent loan borrowers from saving for retirement and other goals following repayment restart.

Student Loan Payments Expected to Prevent Loan Borrowers from Saving Enough for Retirement and Other Financial Goals
Student loan payments are expected to prevent loan borrowers from saving enough for their retirement and other financial goals following the resumption of the student loan payments, making it more difficult for them to adjust their expenses amidst inflation.
According to a report published in Yahoo Finance, the restarting of the student loan payments has affected the financial capabilities of loan borrowers to save for their retirement day as some have already reached up to $500 in student loan payments.
With the increasing amount of student loan payments, loan borrowers who have been trying to save for their retirement continued to struggle with budgeting their finances as the student loan payments have negatively impacted how they spend their money every day or monthly, which even lower the chances of saving enough for their retirement plan.
Different Loan Repayment Plans to Help in Saving for Retirement Following Increasing Student Loan Payments
Following the resumption of student loan payments, loan borrowers are encouraged to look for various repayment plans that will help them save for retirement.
Aside from loan repayment plans, loan borrowers are also advised to be aware of their lifestyle, and if they spent too much before, they could consider changing their lifestyle, especially with the high cost of living and student loan payments, CNBC reported.