As a resident of the United States continues to struggle with rising prices, there are some who wonder if the U.S. government will send an additional stimulus check.

Stimulus Checks: Americans Expecting More From The Government

As a resident of the United States continues to struggle with rising prices, there are some who wonder if the U.S. government will send an additional stimulus check.

 As a resident of the United States continues to struggle with rising prices, there are some who wonder if the U.S. government will send an additional stimulus check.
Stimulus Checks: Americans Expecting More From The Government (PHOTO: MARCO)

Stimulus Checks: Experts Says American Expects More Benefits From The Government

As a citizen of the United States who continues to struggle with rising prices nowadays, there are some who expect the U.S. government will send additional benefits to the residents. According to the survey a total of three stimulus checks were released and given away in the year 2020 and 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which started in March.

According to GoBankingRates, it is not sure that the government will issue more checks because the country is still recovering from the impacts of COVID-19. A personal finance expert for Money Geek, v said that the economy has grown by over 25 million jobs since after the pandemic and lost all of it when the pandemic comes in.

It is impossible that the government right now can release more stimulus checks according to a professor emeritus of economics at Niagara University, Doctor Tenpao Lee, who said that he believes that future checks will depend on the rising inflation that the government is fighting right now.

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Stimulus Checks: American Expecting More Pay Check From The Government

A financial planner and managing partner at District Capital Management suggest that people should not have more hopes from the stimulus check given by the government and do things for them to earn more enough money for their needs.

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