President Joe Biden

New Website Launch Opens Applications For New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

A new website launch initially opened applications for the new student loan forgiveness plan.

Student Loan Forgiveness Applications
A new website launch initially opened applications for the new student loan forgiveness plan. (Photo: WEAU)

New Website Launch Begins Taking Applications for SAVE Plan Full Launch Following Rejection of Initial Debt Relief Plan

Following the rejection of previous Biden’s debt relief plan, the new website launch began taking applications for the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan in a second attempt to provide debt relief for struggling loan borrowers; wherein the new website launch aims to prepare and test the effectiveness of the plan for its full launch.

According to a report published in Fox Business, the new website launch was an initial action to the SAVE Plan, which aims to help loan borrowers and applicants who are struggling to repay their student debts, with the new website launch giving loan borrowers more information about the debt relief plan, including of how much their student debts will be forgiven or the requirements to be eligible.

The new website launch also aims to help the administration introduce the SAVE plan to more loan borrowers and encourage them to apply, ensuring that applicants in the new website launch will have their student debts cut amidst increasing interest rates.

READ ALSO: Here’s How Reducing Student Loan EMI Can Help Save More Money Amidst Financial Struggles

Eligible Loan Borrowers Encouraged to Enroll in SAVE Plan Following New Website Launch

Eligible loan borrowers who are struggling with their student debts are encouraged to enroll in SAVE Plan following the new website launch as a preparation before the full launch this August, Time reported.

The applicants who have applied after the new website launch will reportedly not be required to submit another application again if the full launching of the plan starts.

READ ALSO: New SAVE Student Loan Repayment Plan Launched By The Biden Administration. Here’s How To Enroll In SAVE

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