
Most voters require SNAP benefits enhanced, not reduced

As per a recent poll by the Save the Children Action Network, the majority of Americans favor providing even more food assistance to low-income families.

The survey, which was provided confidentially to The Hill, may serve as an important lesson for conservatives who want to reduce SNAP benefits as a result of this year’s debate over an additional farm bill.

“It’s crucial to remember that most individuals would want to boost advantages, if possible. According to Lori Weigel, owner of the polling company New Bridge Strategy, which surveyed Republicans for the results, only 4% of respondents wanted to reduce them.

The survey on the Democratic side was completed by the liberal polling organization Hart Research.

According to Weigel, “a large number of individuals, throughout party lines, for pretty much every measure that we tested (to broaden the application of SNAP), were saying, ‘Yeah, that seems like sensible action and stuff we must be doing.’

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