Montana residents will receive up to $2,500 in tax rebates this summer.

Montana Residents Will Receive 2023 Tax Rebate
The newly signed bill by Montana Governor Greg Gianforte will provide Montana residents up to $2,500 in tax rebates on individual income taxes for 2023.
According to the Department of Revenue, Montana residents will receive the tax rebate depending on the reported income tax on their 2021 Montana Form 2. Single filers taxpayers will receive a $1,250 tax rebate, and married couples will receive a $2,500 tax rebate.
Montana residents will receive the payment based on how they want to receive the tax rebates, whether direct deposit to receive them through electronics or mail if they wanted to get a check, The Gazette reported.
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More Information About the 2023 Tax Rebates
The individual taxpayers must be Montana residents for 2021 and must not have been filed by another taxpayer as their dependent to be eligible for the tax rebates.
All eligible Montana residents expect to receive the tax rebates by December 31 as the state’s revenue department will be issuing them starting on July 1 so that the recipients will receive them on time.
Montana residents can also expect another tax rebate while waiting for the 2023 tax rebates. The Property Tax Rebate will provide them with up to $500 in tax rebate this August.
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