Michigan Lawmakers Pass A Bill Making Michigan The First State To Allow Residents To Become An Organ Donor Through Tax Income Forms

Michigan Lawmakers Pass A Bill Making Michigan The First State To Allow Residents To Become An Organ Donor Through Tax Income Forms

The Michigan Lawmakers passed a bill that will make a new way to choose to become an organ donor in Michigan state through tax income forms.

Michigan Lawmakers Pass A Bill Making Michigan The First State To Allow Residents To Become An Organ Donor Through Tax Income Forms
Michigan Lawmakers Pass A Bill Making Michigan The First State To Allow Residents To Become An Organ Donor Through Tax Income Forms (Photo: CBS News)


Michigan Lawmakers said that the COVID-19 pandemic made people sign up to be organ donors

Michigan will be the first state where residents can sign up to be organ donors through their income tax forms. The Michigan Lawmakers are very grateful to lead the organ donor bill, said one of the bill packages Michigan Lawmakers sponsors.

Michigan Lawmakers said that the list of organ donors decreased because people weren’t being informed as often in person to consider being an organ donor and sign to the registry. The waitlist for organ donors continues to increase.

Michigan Lawmakers passed the bill because Michigan has 2,500 people waiting for their lives to be saved. And the organ donor list was getting lesser. The Michigan Lawmakers will help to increase the list of donors.

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The Michigan Lawmakers have already passed the proposed bill

The Michigan Lawmakers passed the bill and will wait for the Governor to sign it.

The Michigan Lawmakers bill will make taxpayers check the box on their income tax forms. The taxpayers will get a little sticker with a heart to put on their driver’s license.

The Michigan Lawmakers bill will make it easy for a resident and be added to an organ donor database. The Michigan Lawmakers said if taxpayers choose to become organ donors, taxpayers could save the lives more than 75 lives.

Read Also: Michigan Revenue Expectations Adjusted Downward By $1.8 Billion Due To Tax Law Changes

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