Juror Rejects The Challenge To Prop HH Property Tax Relief Plan Of Colorado
Last Friday, a juror rejected the challenge to the Prop HH property tax relief plan of Colorado in setting to go before voters this fall.
Judge David H. Goldberg rejected a contest to the property tax relief plan of Colorado
Proposition HH property tax relief plan would decrease property tax rates for the next decade and backfill government revenues with surplus tax money rebates, and will be refunded to Coloradans through the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Some Advance Colorado groups and 12 counties file a suit over the Proposition HH property tax relief plan. They emphasized that the measure violated Colorado Constitution, which requires a single topic and title for ballot measures.
Judge disagreed with the allegations and ruled without setting the property tax relief plan of the Colorado case for a hearing.
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Proposition HH property tax relief plan does not violate Colorado’s constitution
The Judge said that Proposition HH property tax relief plan does not violate Colorado’s constitutional clear title requirement.
The Judge reiterated that the title does not need any superior intellect to divine the nature of the proposition.