
Juneteenth and Mail Deliveries: Rebates and Relief Payments Guide

As Juneteenth gains recognition as a federal holiday, it’s essential to understand how it affects mail delivery and tax refunds. This article provides updates on mail services, state tax refund distributions, and the impact of Juneteenth on tax returns. Stay informed to ensure a smooth process and timely receipt of refunds.

You could be entitled to a state rebate or a federal tax refund. (Photo: Getty Images)

Federal Holidays Cause Postal Closures, Affecting Mail Delivery And Relief Payments

On federal holidays, including Juneteenth, the US Post Office is closed, and mail deliveries are suspended. Therefore, if you’re expecting rebates or relief payments, it’s advisable not to check your mailbox on these holidays. Take note of Juneteenth’s significance as it commemorates the abolition of slavery in the United States, and various businesses and services, including mail delivery, may be affected.

Several states are currently distributing tax refunds to eligible residents. Let’s explore the refund distribution updates from Georgia, Alaska, and New Mexico:

  1. Georgia: Georgia is disbursing income tax refunds of up to $500. Qualified residents who submitted their 2021 and 2022 tax forms by the April 18 deadline can expect to receive their refunds by the end of June. To track your refund status, Georgia offers online tax refund tracking services.
  2. Alaska: Alaska continues its yearly distribution of Permanent Fund Dividends (PFD). The amount of PFD ranges from $1,114 to $3,284. The most recent PFD payments were made on June 7 to eligible applicants with a status of “eligible-not paid.” It’s important to note that paper checks may take additional time to arrive after the issuance date.
  3. New Mexico: New Mexico has commenced refund distributions. Solo filers can expect refunds worth $500, while joint filers may receive $1,000. To qualify, you must be 18 years or older and not considered a dependent for tax purposes. The governor’s office has indicated that over 900,000 taxpayers are waiting to be paid, and physical checks will be distributed starting from July 21.

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Juneteenth Affects Tax Returns Processing With 3.5 Million Unprocessed Returns

Juneteenth may also impact the processing of tax returns. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reports that as of June 10, there are approximately 3.5 million unprocessed returns. These include the tax year 2022 filings, 2021 returns requiring review or correction, and late-filed prior-year returns. If you’re awaiting your refund, utilize the IRS’s “Where’s My Refund” tool for updates and assistance.

Understanding Juneteenth: Juneteenth, officially proclaimed as a federal holiday by President Joe Biden in 2021, commemorates the abolition of slavery in the United States on June 19, 1865. It was initially observed in Texas in 1980 and later gained recognition in other states. It is essential to remember that Juneteenth celebrations may impact various services and businesses, including mail delivery.

Upcoming Holiday Schedule: Following Juneteenth, there are other holidays to consider that may affect mail delivery and payment processing. Here are the associated dates and days to keep in mind:

  • Tuesday, July 4: Independence Day
  • Monday, September 4: Labor Day
  • Monday, October 9: Columbus Day
  • Saturday, November 11: Veterans Day
  • Thursday, November 23: Thanksgiving Day
  • Monday, December 25: Christmas Day

If you expect to receive paper checks from your local government before the year ends, it’s crucial to consider these holidays. Additionally, note that if a federal holiday falls on a weekend, it will be observed on the previous weekday.

Conclusion: Stay informed about mail delivery updates, state tax refund distributions, and the impact

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