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Joe Biden Needs to Take a Big Move to Social Security, and Majority of Americans May Support It

Having problems is Social Security. You are aware of it. I am aware of that. The program’s trustees have lately reported that Social Security would become bankrupt one year sooner than expected, proving that they are well aware of the situation.

Additionally, the president knows that action must be taken to protect Social Security. Even though Joe Biden’s government hasn’t yet suggested significant changes to Social Security, his earlier words indicate that he does. And there is cause to think that the majority of Americans might support it.

Biden suggested various benefit boosts for Social Security beneficiaries during his presidential campaign in 2016. He wished to increase, for instance, the payments for senior citizens who have resigned for a minimum of 20 years. Additionally, he aimed to raise the base benefit, provide larger payments for surviving partners, and get rid of the fines for public sector employees.

The greatest adjustment to Social Security in Biden’s proposal, though, was his request that “Americans with particularly large incomes contribute the same taxes on their income that middle-class families spend.” He specifically suggested raising the payroll tax maximum to $400,000. The current maximum is $160,200.

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