
Individuals above 50 would be Forced to Work by New SNAP Policy to Maintain Food Benefits

The majority of media attention was given to congressional conflicts during the current resolution to the long-brewing debt ceiling problem. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, was changed as part of the final debt ceiling legislation passed on June 2, despite being mostly overtaken by senate speeches.

The updated SNAP policy, which was developed via negotiation and agreement between the parties, requires a hike in the oldest age at which participants will be required to participate in job requirements.

The median age of the labor duty, which was formerly limited to age 49, will now include a new segment of the population, able-bodied people with no kids who are dependent, ages 50–54, for which joblessness will stop benefits.

Positively, the bill established further exemptions to the same rules, making three categories — young adults aged 18 to 24 who had aged out of youth foster care, every veteran, and all homeless individuals — officially exempt.

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