
How to claim Social Security benefits if you didn’t get any payments

The Social Security Administration pays its recipients millions of dollars each month. Some of them are either disabled individuals or retired workers.

While the day of payout is tied to the recipients’ birthdays, the precise quantity given depends on every individual’s circumstances. The payment is made on the second Wednesday of the month for individuals born between January 1 and October 10, and on the 3rd Wednesday for those born between January 11 and December 21. On the last Wednesday of the month, those who were born between January 21 and January 31 receive their payment.

Only individuals who get Supplemental Security Income payouts are exempt from this payment schedule. Depending on their date of birth, they receive the funds on the first of each month. Because they get the monthly paycheck on the third day of every month, employees who wanted their retirement before 1997 are likewise excluded from the timetable.

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