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Harlem man lost money and benefits after being falsely declared deceased by Social Security

An elderly Harlem resident has been fighting for his life against the Social Security Administration.

The government organization pronounced the man deceased over a month ago. He’s still alive, and that’s the problem.

However, in the meanwhile, his benefits were stopped and his savings account was seized. So Nina Pineda of 7 On Your Side had to revive him.

Despite standing 6 feet 7 inches tall, Charles L. Jones is still very much alive, yet the Social Security Administration claims he passed away.

His “estate” began receiving letters in May, and the confusion caused the payments to be severely disrupted and the bank accounts to be frozen.

All of his money had vanished, he claimed, and the bank had received a notice of his death.

That’s when a bank immediately freezes all deposits after knowing of a person’s demise.

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