The Galveston County officials encouraged residents to protest if they believed the recently increased property appraisal values were unfair.

County Officials Receive Report About Unfair Increase in Property Appraisal Values
Following the 18 percent overall increase in the property appraisal values, county officials received several reports and complaints about the unfair increase.
According to the county officials, a resident named Jason Garza noticed an increase of 50.28 percent in his property appraisal value, and he did not know how it happened since the home process went down and he did not even improve his house.
However, the Galveston Central Appraisal District claimed that they based the increase on the house’s total value, not on the improvements made, the Houston Chronicle reported.
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County Officials Encourage Owners To Protest For Their Rights
County officials encourage residents to formally protest if they notice an unfair increase in their property appraisal values and file a Form 50-132, Notice of Protest, which would help them address the issue and improve the system.
The filing of protest will be open until May 15 or 30 days after the delivery of the appraisal district notice.
However, less than 40 percent of residents filed a protest despite the encouragement of county officials to protest over the unfair increase in property appraisal values.