
Do You Qualify for Your Spouse’s Benefits?

By providing you with financial advantages, useful information, and other resources to help you along your path in life, Social Security ensures that you are safe now and tomorrow. You might be eligible to get advantages on your spouse’s record even though you lack sufficient Social Security credits to be eligible for payments on your record.

Your entire spouse benefit might be as little as half of what your spouse is allowed to get at full retirement age when you wait till you hit that age. You are going to get a permanent decreased payment if you decide to take your spouse’s payments before you hit full retirement age. If you take care of a kid who is eligible for payments on your spouse’s behalf before reaching full retirement age, you are also eligible for a full spouse’s payment.

We are going to provide your retirement benefits initially if you are entitled to them based on your record. You would receive a combination of advantages that equals the larger spouse benefits if the advantages you receive as a spouse are greater than your retirement benefits.

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