
Can I get Social Security benefits and work at the same time? Here are the maximum earnings you can make and still be eligible for benefits, along with three safety suggestions

As per the Social Security Administration (SSA), about 50 million Americans had received Social Security retirement benefits as of June 2023, with an average monthly payout of $1,837. The elderly’s income is roughly one-third made up of Social Security payments. These benefits also comprise 90% or over of some members of that group’s overall earnings (12% of men and 15% of women).

The last thing you want is to be undervalued after contributing to Social Security for a decade or longer due to a decreased benefit. If specific requirements aren’t met, the SSA can deduct a portion of your payment if you work while collecting Social Security.

If you have attained the full retirement age, which ranges from 66 to 67 based on your date of birth year, you can continue working while still receiving Social Security benefits. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, this is true.

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