
A few of the highest property taxes are paid by Iowans- What to do when your tax bills arrive

March is when Iowa property taxes become due, so remember that. Additionally, Iowa has one of the highest rates of property taxes in the country.

Here’s all the information you want to pay your property taxes and learn about the latest tax savings before you become overwhelmed.

When are the property taxes in Iowa due and analyzed?

By March 31st, property taxes have to be paid. The property tax bills that were issued in 2022 are going to be paid in two installments with this payment.

Every odd-numbered year, the county auditors in Iowa reevaluate the value of a property. At the beginning of 2023, several Iowans noticed significant increases in the assessed prices of their properties. The higher evaluations won’t become apparent until the September 2024 taxes are due.

In comparison to other states, what is the property tax rate in Iowa?

When it comes to the highest property tax rates in the nation, Iowa comes in at number 42 out of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

Throughout the past ten years, property taxes have risen consistently, per WalletHub. However, the state has made an effort to lessen Iowans’ tax burden.

In what ways have Iowa’s property taxes transformed recently?

In 2023, bipartisan legislation was passed with the intention of reducing Iowans’ property taxes following a $100,000 increase in property assessments.

In 2023, residential property values in Polk County had an unprecedented average gain of 22%. The amount of additional money that towns can raise from property taxes is restricted under the new law.

The bill, which is expected to save Iowans over $100 million, mandates that increased revenue growth be utilized to lower property tax rates. Additionally, it established a new tax exemption for veterans of the armed forces and Iowans over 65.

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