Rise up Cambridge program, is a guaranteed income program in Massachusetts and is accepting application within a week to selected applicants which will receive a $500 monthly payment.

Application for Income Program starts Next Week
Massachusetts made a guaranteed income program that will give $500 to selected applicants, the application will start within a week. It is titled as Rise Up Cambridge and will be open starting June 1 and closes on July 31. Applicant must be 18 years of age, should be a resident of Cambridge, and at least one below 21 in a household, and the income must be below poverty level.
For a certain household, those who are living two people with less than $49,300 a year and the household of three must have an income of less than $62,150. It is intended to help those household with at least one child with a fund of $22 million commitment. The recipients will be receiving payments for 18 months and it’s up to them how they will spend it.
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In Addition, recipients can volunteer to conduct survey or documenting their experience with the program, it is optional but to those who will participate they will be compensated. The monthly installment is not taxable, they will receive it in full.
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