A $2.2 billion additional funding will provide relief to black farmers following discrimination in farm programs.
Additional Funding Will Help Addressing Discrimination to Black Farmers in USDA Programs
Under the Inflation Reduction Act, a $2.2 billion additional funding will provide relief to Black farmers suffering from direct attacks and racial discrimination within the farm programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or commonly called USDA, wherein the additional funding aims to address the current issues.
The additional funding aims to give financial assistance to the affected Black farmers who have experienced being denied when trying to get loans for their land or livelihoods due to their race, as the additional funding will be allocated fully to addressing injustices and discrimination directed towards Black farmers.
Aside from the additional funding, the administration also introduced other plans and programs to express their support and provide relief to Black farmers; however, white farmers claimed that the additional funding or programs being allocated only for Black farmers started discrimination in all aspects.
Eligible Black Farmers Encouraged to Apply to Program Providing Additional Funding for Them
Following the approval of the additional funding, Black farmers suffering from discrimination are encouraged to submit applications to the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program, which aims to provide relief under the additional funding allocated for them.
Aside from receiving relief under the additional funding, eligible Black farmers will also expect to receive support from the administration as the additional funding will be allocated for combating the discrimination against them, Amsterdam News reported.