
Wordle Word 25 May 2022: Answers, Hints And All Wordle Solutions

As of May 25, 2022, the Wordle answer 340 has been certified. A lot of players may struggle with today’s answer because it’s not the most frequent term and has some uncommon letters. The good news is that there are no duplicate letters to contend with. Is there anything else you’d like to know? Positions 2 and 3 of this word each have a vowel. Is there anything else I can do for you? The answer to Wordle 340 may be found below.

The fact that today is May 25th, Day 340 of Wordle, is very appropriate. If you add the numbers 340 and 25 together, you get 365, which means we’re in the last stretch of Wordle’s first year! Putting aside the preemptive celebrations, here are your hints and the answer to today’s Wordle (May 25).

Wordle Tip of the Day for May 25th

To help you start, here are a few pointers.

There are two vowels in this word’s name.

In order, these vowels are uttered.

Not a single letter appears more than once.

One syllable is all that this word has.

An action verb.

For the definition of this term, please see here.

It sounds like “slouch.”

Wordle 340 – Today’s Daily Double!

wordle answer

If the previous hints were not enough, here is today’s answer.

The solution to the Wordle for May 25th is VOUCH.

Read More: Wordle Word 22 May 2022: Hints, Clues And Answers For Today Wordle Word

How does Wordle work?

There are six attempts every day in Wordle’s five-letter word guessing game. Using the letters in the word you’re trying to guess, the game provides you with clues. You should pay attention to the letter colours. There is no need to repeat any grey letters, as they are a no-go. Once you have your greens and yellows, you can start making words.


There are ways to “cheat” the system in order to give yourself an advantage or to alter the rules of the game. There’s no doubt that the term has a lot of connotations attached to it. The tactics described can, however, improve your chances of success by giving you a better sense of how to approach Wordle’s beginning stages.

It’s a great method to keep your mind sharp and broaden your lexicon even if you’re already fluent in English!

A free version of Wordle is available on the New York Times website. If you’re looking for Wordle alternatives, take a look at our selection.

Wordle Instructions

New York Times Games hosts the original Wordle, even if there are several popular clones. All other Wordle versions will have a different set of rules and, therefore, a distinct set of answers.

Head to the Wordle website and select the finest starting word. You can’t use a word with less than five letters. There is a tendency for Wordle responses to use the American version of nouns, such as fibre instead of fibre. When the response is a noun, the plural form, such as NESTS or MARKS, is never used. Typing in the term you’ve chosen is all that is required. It will appear as though the letters have been painted over.

Read More: Wordle Word 21 May 2022: Check Here Today Wordle 336 Hints And Answers

The green lettering is correct.

The use of grey letters is incorrect.

Even if the yellow letters are right, they’re in the wrong place in the sentence.

wordle word

Players have five more chances to find the answer using these colours as hints. At midnight each day, the puzzles reset and there is only one word to guess each day. This is why there are so many Wordle clones, and why some of them have become popular.

Following the completion of the riddles, players can access the Wordle menu. This menu includes the spoiler-free share option, as well as the player’s stats if they use the same device and browser every day.

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