lower property tax

Lower Property Tax Can Have An Unfavorable After Effect: Tax Policy Experts Say

Reducing Property Taxes Explode Debates For Lawmakers. This Will Get Each Household A Good Dinner Date For Everyone Each Month.


lower taxes
Lower Property Tax Can Have An Unfavorable After Effect: Tax Policy Experts Say (Photo: Dreamstime.com)


High appraisal rates for Homeowners will get them rich.

The Beaumont Republican wants to lessen the home’s taxable value from 10% to 5% in order to tighten the caps, but that would only benefit the business owners. This has been the lawmakers biggest wrestle on tax reduction plan, this proposal will save a homeowner and give them a best lifestyle.

But on the other hand, this wouldn’t be fair because the rich become richer, and the poor becomes poorer. And is already happening to California, New York and other parts of the country. They said that high appraisals will only benefit the wealthy homeowners.


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Of course there is always a loophole to everything, this can be prevented experts say if only the taxes increase or decrease, will be based on the local governments or small towns or county’s income and expenditure. In that case there will be no on a tight budget due to the equal distribution of income in a state or county and proportioned revenue.


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